What is it?
Lima 100/180 a grana fine adatta per rifiniture.
Utilizzare per dare la forma desiderata all'unghia. Il lato 100 viene usato per accorciare e il lato 180 per dare la forma.
Lima 100/180 a grana fine adatta per rifiniture.
Utilizzare per dare la forma desiderata all'unghia. Il lato 100 viene usato per accorciare e il lato 180 per dare la forma.
Elegance Beauty Spa holds a copyright of all its content (textual, video and audio materials). An unauthorized use of any part of the site content and Instagram shall be regarded as a copyright infringement of exclusive rights of Elegance Beauty Spa and is subject to legal action.
Elegance Beauty Spa holds a copyright of all its content (textual, video and audio materials). An unauthorized use of any part of the site content and Instagram shall be regarded as a copyright infringement of exclusive rights of Elegance Beauty Spa and is subject to legal action.